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  • Raven Main Line

Raven Main Line

150.00 Grams
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Product Description

Raven Main Line


RAVEN Main Line is a premium quality monofilament ideal for float fishing.  The 1/8lb and 1/2lb bulk spools are available in four strengths and four colours for all fishing situations.


Strong and Durable - Offering High Knot Strength, Excellent Tensile Strength, Superior Impact and Abrasion Resistance.


Thin Diameter and Supple - Allows for long, smooth casts.


Low Memory - The line runs straight to the float, without coiling.


High Buoyancy - Makes the line easy to mend for improved float control and helps pull off the surface cleanly.


High Visibility Colours (fluorescent pink and fluorescent yellow) help anglers keep track of their line, as well as their floats, improving float control.  These lines also help reduce the chance of other anglers accidentally casting over the line when fishing in close quarters.


Low Visibility Colours (light grey and moss green) help improve subtle presentations allowing for extremely natural presentations in clear water.



Strength (LB) 6 8 10 12
Length (YD) 1200 985 820 690
Diameter (IN) .009 .010 .011 .012
Strength (KG) 2.7 3.6 4.5 5.5
Length (M) 1100 900 750 630
Diameter (MM) .24 .26 .28 .31

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